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Federalism Index Project

Making Federalism Accessible 

Capitol Hill Building in Washington DC w


The Federalism Index Project at Utah Valley University's Center for Constitutional Studies exists to help educators, state leaders, and ordinary citizens better understand and appreciate the history, meaning, and contemporary relevance of American federalism in the overall structure of the United States Constitution.

What's new in the American federalism policy world? Stay up to date with the newly released Federalism Policy Tracker

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Continuing Legal Education Credit

Take a free course on federalism and earn Continuing Legal Education Credit. The online course is divided into six short (10-12 minute) modules. It is taught by constitutional law professors and federalism scholars from some of the most prestigious institutions of higher education in the country.  Credit can be earned in three steps:




Federalism Today
Sponsored by the Utah Federalism Commission

Federalism Today

Recent Commentary

Crossing Brooklyn Bridge

Federalism Matters

"It's true that Republicans have often been more clearly associated with federalism. But both sides are fair-weather federalists. Both sides will, depending on the politics of the moment, prefer state or national power, depending on where they're in control. People ought to have a more enduring commitment to federalism for democratic reasons-that's the aim of my research agenda….I'm delighted to have people come late to the party. And I hope to convince them that this shouldn't be a short-term commitment because they don't like the politics of the moment. A commitment to federalism should really be a long-term commitment based on the importance of democratic design."


—  Heather Gerken

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