FIP Classroom
The Federalism Index Project at Utah Valley University's Center for Constitutional Studies exists to help educators, state leaders, and ordinary citizens better understand and appreciate the history, meaning, and contemporary relevance of American federalism in the overall structure of the United States Constitution as well as globally.
Current Teacher-Friendly Dashboards
Federalism Around the World
Size of Government
Federal Regulations
Public Opinion
State Initiatives
State Migration
American Federalism Committees
Continuing Legal Education Credit
Federalism is a dynamic concept, and Federalism Law is inherently complex. But the basic principles of American federalism have not changed dramatically over time.
Take a free course on the Principles of Federalism and earn Continuing Legal Education Credit. The online course is divided into six short (10-12 minute) modules. It is taught by historians, constitutional law professors, and federalism scholars from some of the most prestigious institutions of higher education in the country. Credit can be earned in three steps:
Watch the Federalism Curriculum Videos
Take a short quiz testing what you learned
Submit your information and receive free CLE credit